Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Final Film Review

After a few minor change due to our audience feedback and a flare of ideas, we came up with the following for our final ancillary text:

Audience Feedback for the Film review


This is the questionnaire for our draft film review.
From these answers we used a range of people's ideas and made our final draft of our film review which is seen later.

We decided to get a range of different ages to answer each question so each one was answered differently by different people.

Draft Film Review

After using Microsoft Word to design the film review, we came up with this draft...

We also looked at layouts of double page spreads from magazines in order to get a basic layout from a real media product to follow. This is an example of a doublepage spread from a magazine:

And this is the layout we came up with:

The purple section shows the area in which the title is placed. The title usually introduces the subject of the article that follows.

The pink sections are where the article is usually written. In our case, the film review!

The yellow sections are where various images are placed. Some are inbedded between the article and others sit down one side.

After researching magazine spreads, we were able to design our own...

Film Review research...

Due to a change of plans, we immediatly started to look at film reviews used for real media products. We visited sites via Google and made up a common plan that all film reviews tend to include, just like the poster template and the website template. Here is the written plan:
From this, we started to design our review in the form of a double page spread as would be seen in a magazine. We chose to do this as our target audience are the same audience as would read the magazine...!

Monday, 25 January 2010

Film Review Research

Change of plans!!

Quite near to the deadline of the project, we were told that we had chosen the wrong priliminary task.
The brief we chose -the short film brief- required two ancillary texts to compliment the main product. We had to choose two from a film review, a radio advert and poster.
We chose to do a poster and we had gotten confused with the trailer brief and chosen to do a website instead of either a film review or radio advert.
Therefore are now starting to make a film review to go with our short film.