Friday, 4 December 2009

Website Analysis

I didn't mention in previous posts about the analysis of website home pages. I have chosen two web-pages to compare our web-page to. These sites are Harry Potter and Twighlight New Moon. These sites are very different and very different from our web-page. I will print-screen these sites and paste them into word and analyse the differences between those sites and our web-page for our project.

This is the Harry Potter Official Website. As you can see this web-page is very detailed in terms with charaters. It is very clear that this website has been very well designed and has has a lot of hard work done to it. In comparison to our front web-page it is also very different in terms of colours, styles and detail. The front page as you can see is very "in your face" whereas our page is very simple with no characters on the front page. This web-page also has a trailer on the front page whereas our trailer is on the actual "Trailer" page.

As you can see from this web-page it is quite plain which is very similar to our front web-page. However we can clearly see that this is a very professional website and has a lot of detail within the page. The colours of the page are very particular and reflect on the film. The page is quite basic and has small and suttle links which go to the following pages on the site. Our website is also like this, however not so detailed.

This is our front home page for our project and as you can see it is very simple but suttle. I decided to create it like this because I feel like it gives more of an effect when you actually go to look through the website. When you look at th efollowing pages, although they have the same layout they have a lot more detail on them. Our homepage in comparison to New Moon and Harry Potter are completely different, they are clearly professional and I have tried to make our one look as real and professional as possible. As our short film is based on the effects of mushrooms I made the website look quite dark and mysterious as the effects mushrooms can have on people can be dark and mysterious and I think it is refelctive of our film and relates to it.

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