Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Questionnaire for the poster

This was the poster we asked our candidates questions on...

This was the questionnaire they were given...

We asked this to a wide range of people in west hatch. Fisrtly, we approached media students from the sixth Form. Then we decided to ask these questions to students who attend the secondary school then a handul of teachers, both media teachers and other teachers. By doing this we could get a wide range of data to compare. These were the folowing results:

Question 1:
When we asked our candidates to state what the poster represents, we had a mixed response with reasons, yet they all related to what we wanted to portray from the poster:
Teenagers in trouble (walking mischeviously)
Peer Pressure (group of teenagers)
Drug Abuse (from the mushroom pictures)
Alcohol Abuse (fromthe bottles)
Mysterious (colour scheme)

Question 2:
When we asked if the text was easy to read, all the candidates said that 'yes' so we had no visual issues with the title.

Question 3:
When we asked question 3, there was a mixed response. Here are some comments we were given as answers:
- I like that fact that the character's faces are not seen as it makes me want to watch the film so i can see their identity.
- Yes it's effective because notmany posters do this so it's original.
- Yes. It creates a mysterious ambience in watching the film. Teenagers like this!
- No. I want to see their faces so i know who is acting.
Most of the answers were positive so we decided to keep the pictures as they were.

Question 4
We asked the candidates if they though the poster complimented the film and we had significant feedback!
- the codes and conventions are clear (media student).
- everything relates to the film
- the mysterious theme from the film is portrayed on the poster really well!
- yes, they match really well

Question 5
We asked all of our candidates if they thought that they were the target audience and all the student from west hatch both in the sixth form and the secondary school said that they felt as though they were. The teachers on the other hand, all disagreed. This was a great success and the students were our planned target audience.

Question 6
When we asked if they though the poster was a good example of today's society, we had a mixed response.
- to a degree, not all teenagers dress or act like this though.
- yes, i know of people our age that would do that same and that have already done the same.
- yes and it helps them to learn the consequences that are learnt in real life anyway!
- yeah, in a way because like some groups of people are like this our age and older but not all of them decide to go to a forest and get drunk on alcohol and have trips on drugs. But some definatly do!

Question 7
We asked the candidates how they though we could improve. The media teachers gave constructive critisism that was worth taking into consideration. The sixth form students tended to praise this product alot and the secondary students mentioned a few pointers. Here are some of the points:
- make the background darker.
- put effects on the mushrooms in the light
- keep the people facing backwards but put them a bit more apart and on the same level. They'll look better in colour as well i think.
- put alcohol among the mushrooms too like bottles or something? and put the actors in colour!

Question 8
When the candidates were asked to rate our poster, we had an average of 3 stars.

We then asked why and we had a number of reasons:
- the colours are great!
- maybe makethe mushrooms more visible
- it looks like a professional poster but the pixels tend to blur
- i like the fact we can't see the character's faces but maybe put them in colour against the darkness so they stand out more?

After the feedback, we made a few changes to the poster. This is the final piece:

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