Friday, 22 January 2010

Question 3: Film Questionnaire Results

1. Do you feel that the special effects used to portray the feelings are effective?

- 2 out of 6 said YES
- 4 out of 6 said NO

2. If not, what do you think we should do to improve?

- more effects
- funky colours
- more shots
- blurred effects
- split screens
- screen overlaps

3. Do you feel that the genre we have used is relevant to our target audience?

- 6 out of 6 said YES

4. Do you think the film represents today's teenage life?

- 2 out of 6 said YES
- 4 out of 6 said NO

5. Do you think that the story line of the film is relevant and realistic?

- 3 out of 6 said YES
- 3 out of 6 said NO

6. Do you think the film is long enough for the 'short film' category?

- 4 out of 6 said YES
- 2 out of 6 said NO

7. What type of genre/type of music do you think will compliment the film or would you associate with the film?

- spaced out music
- techno music
- fast
- big beats
- tension music
- different genres merged together e.g. rock and opera

8. What would you rate the film at this point?

- 3 out of 6 people rated 2 STARS
- 3 out of 6 people rated 3 STARS

9. What is the reason behind your rating?

- storyline isn't all that
- needs to be more effective
- make the teenagers experience reach out to the audience
- need a good piece of supporting music

10. Do you think we used a wide range of camera shots and special effects?

- 5 out of 6 said YES
- 1 out of 6 said NO

11. Do you feel that the camera shots complimented the film and storyline?

- 6 out of 6 said YES

12. Overall, what do you think we should do to improve?

- improve storyline
- use more special effects
- use a music track
- use shorter clips
- use shorter cuts

We used the results from the first questionnaire and took into account all the negative points. We focused on those points and improved our film. After showing the final draft of the film to our audience, we conducted another survey using similar questions. We did this to see if our film improved the way the audience wanted it to improve.

1. Do you feel that the special effects used to portray the feelings are effective?

- 6 out of 6 said YES

2. Do you feel that the genre we have used is relevant to our target audience?

- 6 out of 6 said YES

3. Do you think the film represents today's teenage life?

- 6 out of 6 said YES

4. Do you think the film is long enough for the 'short film' category?

- 5 out of 6 said YES
- 1 out of 6 said NO

5. Do you think that the story line of the film is relevant and realistic?

- 5 out of 6 said YES
- 1 out of 6 said NO

6. Does the music compliment the film?

- 6 out of 6 said YES

8. What would you rate the film at this point?

- 3 out of 6 people rated 4 STARS
- 3 out of 6 people rated 5 STARS

9. What is the reason behind your rating?

- realisitc of the genre
- love the music
- realistic
- good use of special effects

10. Do you think we used a wide range of camera shots and special effects?

- 6 out of 6 said YES

11. Do you feel that the camera shots complimented the film and storyline?

- 6 out of 6 said YES

The results of the second questionnaire shows us that we took into account the answers from the first questionnaire and improved our film based on an audiences opinion.

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