Sunday, 24 January 2010

Question 4: How did you use new media technologies in the research, planning, construction and evaluation stages?

'New media technologies' is a term used to represent the different forms of communication that can be used through computer technology. It is a developed version of the term 'old media forms' which represents print and static representations of text and graphics, for example; newspapers and magazines.

There are many types of new media technologies that are used these days;

  • Websites
  • Streaming audio and video
  • e-mail
  • DVD
  • CD-ROM
  • Digital cameras
  • Mobile computing
  • Etc...

The main technologies we used through the process of completing this coursework are the Apple i-Macs, Blogger, i-Movie, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Fireworks and Adobe Dreamweaver.

In previous tasks, before A2, we had only used computers which had the windows software. For this project we had to use the Apple i-Mac's. They use their own software which is totally different from the Windows software. The mouse works differently and also, functions which seemed straight forward on Windows were totally different on the i-Mac's.

In AS, we were introduced to the new way to log our work throughout the whole project, using Blogger. At first we all thought it was quite difficult to use as we did not know how to use the functions to the best of its ability. However, when doing the A2 coursework, we found it much easier to use and discovered different ways of showing our work on the blog.


When carrying out research for the development of a product, it is important to use as many resources as possible.
For this coursework we carried out questionnaires, researched on popular genres, popular cults, popular codes and convention and also we researched markets which our product could cater to.
We used a video camera to film footage so that we got some practice in the field of filming for a short movie. We also used websites such as Google and YouTube to find appropriate resource materials to be inspired through. One main resource we used was the Virgin Media Shorts competition site. The site consisted of short film entries made by the public in order to win the competition. The site was very helpful as it gave us an insight on the different types of short films that can be produced.

In the AS coursework project, we had chosen to do the print brief. Our research only went as far as using 'old media forms' such as actual magazines to analyse and Google to find information.


Planning is a very important stage in the developing process. It organises how you should go about producing your film. The main part of planning a film project is storyboarding. At first we used storyboard sheets and had done the images by hand in small boxes. We then drew the images onto A4 pieces of paper and scanned them onto a computer. We had done this so that we could transfer the images onto i-Movie to make an animated storyboard.


The main construction piece was the construction of the film itself. First we used a digital camera to capture photographs of the setting and location. We then used a video camera to film the footage. Both of these technologies are very popular in today’s time so we were all very comfortable in using them. We had no problems with functioning the camera's and filming went smoothly. We then had to transfer the footage onto the i-Mac's and start editing the film.

Neither of us had used the i-Movie software so we had to fiddle around with the programme to get used to how it worked. Editing started of very well, but at times it was extremely frustrating. This is because the programme would close down suddenly before we had even had a chance to save the film. But we overcame this problem after the technicians had looked over the software. With the programme came quite a few editing tools however we felt it was not enough. Later on, a lot more tools were added and as our film was based around extensive use of special effects, so the extra effects which were installed really helped us.

To go with the film, a piece of music had to be produced. Garage Band, a software developed by Apple was used to do this. This software allows you to choose from a wide range of different beats and types of music. The selections are then put together to form a piece of music.
To make the film more effective, we edited the film to the beat of the music. We did this so that the film was more enjoyable to watch and the music was also noticeable.

Along with the main product, two ancillary texts also had to be produced. We chose to produce an advertisement poster and a promotional website to compliment the film.

The poster was produced using the Adobe Photoshop software. In the AS coursework, to produce posters we used the Microsoft Publisher programme. However we noticed that Microsoft Publisher did not allow us to produce a poster which would be on the same level as professionally made posters. Adobe Photoshop has more tools and functions and allows you to produce products using a higher level of skill and of a higher standard.

The second ancillary text we chose to produce was a promotional website. The website was to consist of a number of pages including a page for a trailer, cast and crew page and a few more. As all three of us take ICT at A level, we were quite familiar in using the Adobe Dreamweaver programme. The website produced could be compared to professionally made websites and it is a very interactive website.

In the last stages of the project, we found out that we were not supposed to do a website as a priliminary task, we were supposed to do a film review. The film review was created using Microsoft Word. As we did not have a lot of time on our hands, we thought that it was the right programme to use as we are all familiar with it and have no issues in using it.


During the evaluation part of the project, we used to post the main part of the evaluation. We then used Microsoft PowerPoint to convert the worded parts into a more presentable version. Also, to make the questionnaire results a bit easier to understand and more visual, Microsoft Excel was used to make pie charts.

Overall, during the coursework sections of the Media Studies A level, we have learnt a lot about new media technologies and are now much more comfortable in using new software’s, programmes and products.

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